Illinois River Float Trip and Sam and Ella’s Pizza after
Text or call Haven 918-813-2233 or Sherry 918-237-2713 to let us know you want to come so we can reserve a raft or kayak for you!
Meet at Reasor’s BA at 71st and Lynn Lane at 8:30am to carpool and caravan to Arrowhead Resort in Tahlequah.
Pay when you arrive at Arrowhead. 6 mile float is $33.
The following people are signed up; if you are not on this list and want to go, send us a text!
Terri S, Haven, Sherry M, Roy S, Cathy B, Bill W, Cindy R, Paul S, Linda S, Lisa W, George M, Gwen M, Andrea A.
Join us for the fun!!