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Presidents Report

Josh Sensintaffar | Published on 7/5/2024

President's Report

July is already here. Another few months, and we’ll be on the slopes. We have 4 winter trips ready for signups
now and the July 16th Oregon trip is sold out.
Click here to sign up for your trips.
2025 Winter Park Trip
2025 FSA Telluride Trip
2025 Red River & Taos Trip
2025 Red Mountain & Schweitzer Trip
I want to start by thanking each board member for all they do.
This month I would like to give a special shout out to Karla Winterscheidt:
The club is fortunate to have Karla as part of the board. I’ve heard other people say that she is the
“glue” that helps hold it together and I would have to agree. She spends a lot of time helping with all
aspects of things like pricing, making sure things run smoothly, and making sure the club doesn’t
financially get in a bind. Karla is an incredible asset to the board and truly and greatly appreciated by