Presidents Report
Josh Sensintaffar | Published on 6/5/2024
I want to start by thanking each board member for all they do.
I’m going to focus on our trip chairs:
We are fortunate to have Andrea Adams (Winter Trip Chair) picking our winter trips this year. With her knowledge and experience of the mountains, she has been able to navigate our club to some amazing mountains this year. We all feel safer with her being around since she’s an amazing Doctor. We all trust and appreciate you and would ride off a mountain if you were driving (except Haven, she would jump out the bus LOL). This happened last year.
The ski club is blessed to have Haven Willis (Summer Trip Chair) picking out our Summer Trips. She loves people and people love her. She was one the first TSC members I met when I joined the ski club and instantly liked her. She makes everyone feel welcome and valued. We should all try and be a bit like Haven. Let’s make new people feel extra welcome and be more proactive in getting more people to join.
There are many people in the area and does not know Tulsa has a ski club. Ask one of us board members for a TSC bumper sticker and slap it on your cars so we can get the word out.